My name is Dora Náday-Vadász, I am currently a student at Milton Friedman University, working on my degree in Communication and Media Science. My research project is about digital dementia and its effects on our lives.
When I’ve chosen the topic for my dissertation I knew that it will be bigger than just a thesis and that I won’t be able to stop after finishing only one paper. This topic is very complex and also extremely important and relevant in today’s society and the more we talk about it the better. It’s time to open our eyes and acknowledge its presence.
Why did I choose this topic?
In short I would say, I was inspired by my grandparents. The gap between generations became incredibly visible whether it is mindset, logic or attention span. My goal with studying digital dementia is to paint a clearer picture of what the consequences could be of more screen time, and how it is related to the decline in memory and shorter attention span. What is happening in the brain? What is the root of this phenomenon? Can we turn back this process or prevent it?
About this site
In the course of my research I will use this platform from time to time to explore and share new information about digital dementia and to get a new perspective on the different ways it appears in our lives.